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Get Involved

STAR networks globally, and is forging new relationships daily in the efforts to free ALL people from oppression.


  Below, please feel free to browse the events under the In Person tab, and engage with one in your area.

 If you don't see an event in your area, please contact us and we will try and connect you.

 If you are looking for other ways to use your skills to get involved (research, propaganda, legislation, networking, clinics, food pantries, etc.), please select the Volunteer tab. For monetary donations, the Online tab.


We are honored to have the opportunity of working with you. 


Revolution, NOT reform.

Here are some ways you can support the revolution:


Check out events near you

Make a donation‏.

Over the Phone


Use your skills to make a difference. Find your people.

Building Solidarity

Are you in need of help with food, clothing, or housing?

Need help amplifying your story?

Do you need legal resources?

Contact us and we will do everything in our power to help your situation to the best to our ability and find others who can help as well.

We wanna slide in your email with our quarterly newsletter.


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We Need Your Support Today!

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