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We are Stay True And Revolt (STAR).

We recognize the time has come to mend our current defunct government system and collaborate, in unity, returning power to the people, and demanding liberty and justice for all.

Realizing how crucial it has become to acquire skills in order to back up our demands, STAR is a collaborative of people who share their knowledge, experiences, and skills in an effort to fortify, strengthen, and empower the people.  We know the only path to change is to support each other.  We know that WE take care of US.

​While our members have differing opinions in the area of politics, we share the common goals of: ending murder and discrimination to our BIPOC brothers and sisters, eliminating sexism, eradicating fascism, rejecting capitalism, guaranteed education for all, ensuring worker's rights and thriving wages, recognizing and validating all genders and identities and fighting for rights associated with such; protecting body autonomy, unseating the patriarchy, demanding basic human rights for food, shelter, and healthcare, protecting our environment, preserving the right to love and marry at will, children's rights, fighting corruption and demanding accountability in law enforcement and religious entities, and dismantling the current, broken two-party - rebuilding a new system that truly represents the people, works for the success and prosperity of the people (not corporations) and is committed to meeting the needs of the people. 
We offer support to communities in a multitude of areas, upon request, with our presence and/or network of services, in an effort to amplify voices and help provide what we can to address areas of need .  Our mission is to network and connect us to one another, nationwide as well as globally, in an attempt to learn about each other's struggles,  build solidarity and support,  teach each other sustainable survival skills, and to pool resources we can use to take care of one another.  We operate solely on the donations of others; whether it be monetary, knowledge, or time.  We return those resources back into individuals and communities. Our goal, is to live a life of, and build a culture of mutual aid for the prosperity of all humans.
​ All we have is us. 

STAR was born in Gettysburg, PA and is currently based in Baltimore, MD.  We welcome all requests, regardless of location or distance. 
The key to change, is solidarity.  Together, we can free ourselves from our oppressors.
No one is coming to save us.  WE are the ones we have been waiting for.
We will only have what we're organized to take.
Please consider joining us.




Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable.

John F. Kennedy

Our Mission

Our Mission

We offer support to communities in a multitude of areas, upon request, with our presence and/or network of services, in an effort to amplify voices and help provide what we can to address areas of need .  Our mission is to network and connect us to one another, nationwide as well as globally, in an attempt to learn about each other's struggles,  build solidarity and support,  teach each other sustainable survival skills, and to pool resources we can use to take care of one another.  We operate solely on the donations of others; whether it be monetary, knowledge, or time.  We return those resources back into individuals and communities. Our goal, is to live a life, and build a culture, of mutual aid for the prosperity of all humanity.


Our Vision

The key to change, is solidarity.  Together, we can free ourselves from our oppressors.
No one is coming to save us.  WE are the ones we have been waiting for.
We will only have what we're organized to take.  Please join us in our pursuit of liberty and justice FOR ALL.

We Need Your Support Today!

Building Solidarity

Are you in need of help with food, clothing, or housing?

Need help amplifying your story?

Do you need legal resources?

Contact us and we will do everything in our power to help your situation to the best to our ability and find others who can help as well.

We wanna slide in your email with our quarterly newsletter.


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We Need Your Support Today!

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